Huntsman Spiders in Tennessee: Identification and Prevention

blue house with a lawn covered in beautiful plants

Huntsman spiders, also known as giant crab spiders, are fascinating creatures found in various parts of the world, including Tennessee. These large arachnids are known for their distinct characteristics and unique hunting habits.

Unlike other spiders, huntsman spiders are relatively large in size, with a leg span reaching up to 12 inches. They have flattened bodies that are typically brown or gray, allowing them to blend seamlessly with their surroundings. With their long legs and agile movements, huntsman spiders are exceptional climbers and hunters.

Huntsman spiders prefer to dwell in warm and humid environments, making Tennessee's climate suitable for their survival. They are commonly found outdoors, hiding under bark, rocks, or in tree trunks. However, they can occasionally venture indoors, seeking shelter in dark corners or crevices of homes.

What sets huntsman spiders apart from other species is their behavior. They are not web-builders like many spiders, but rather agile hunters that rely on speed and stealth to catch their prey. These spiders are nocturnal, using their keen eyesight and impressive speed to chase down their favorite prey, including insects and other spiders.

How to Identify Huntsman Spiders

Huntsman spiders are easily identifiable by their long legs, flattened bodies, and large, forward-facing eyes. They come in a range of colors, including brown, gray, and sometimes even orange. While they may appear intimidating due to their size, huntsman spiders are generally considered harmless to humans and are actually beneficial as they help control populations of other pests.

In Tennessee, some key features help distinguish the local huntsman spider species: 

  • Dark brown or gray bodies and flattened body shape. Huntsman spiders can range from 1/2 inch to around 2 inches in length, with females typically being larger than males.
  • Long, slender legs. These spiders can grow up to 6 inches in leg span, making them one of the largest spider species in the state.
  • A distinct pattern of markings on their bodies, which may vary between species. Some Huntsman spiders in Tennessee have a brown stripe pattern running down their bodies, while others are dark brown or black with yellow or white spots. This unique coloration helps them blend into their surroundings and remain hidden from predators.

Are Huntsman Spiders Poisonous?

While they may appear intimidating, huntsman spiders are not considered poisonous or venomous to humans. Contrary to common belief, huntsman spiders do possess venom, but their venom is relatively harmless to humans. Their venom is primarily used to immobilize and kill their prey, which typically includes insects and other small invertebrates. Although a huntsman spider bite may cause minor discomfort or irritation, it does not pose any significant health risks.

It's important to note that huntsman spiders rarely bite humans unless they feel threatened or cornered. Even in such cases, their bites are usually harmless and comparable to a bee sting. Medical attention is generally not necessary unless an individual has an allergic reaction to the bite.

How to Get Rid of Huntsman Spiders

Huntsman spiders can sometimes find their way into homes in Tennessee, causing anxiety for homeowners. However, there are effective methods to get rid of these spiders and create a spider-free environment.

Clean Up the Clutter

One of the key steps in controlling Huntsman spiders is reducing pest activity around the house. By eliminating their favorite prey, such as other insects, you can make your home less appealing to these spiders. Regularly clean gutters, remove leaf litter and fix any plumbing issues to eliminate potential hiding spots and food sources for pests.

Perimeter Pest Control

Investing in perimeter pest control is also essential. Professional pest control services can create a barrier around your home to deter spiders and other unwanted visitors from entering. This proactive approach helps prevent infestations and reduces the chances of encountering Huntsman spiders inside your home.

Remove Food Sources

Simple measures like keeping trash covered in sealed receptacles can also make a difference. By minimizing the availability of food sources for pests, you can discourage them from coming near your home. Additionally, reducing exterior light and using yellow lights can help deter insects, which are a common food source for spiders.

By following these measures, you can greatly decrease pest activity, which includes the presence of Huntsman spiders, and create a more spider-free environment.

Call the Experts at Okeena

Remember, prevention is key, so take the necessary steps to remove food sources, eliminate clutter, and keep your home clean and tidy. However, if you find that you still need assistance with a spider infestation, do not hesitate to contact Okeena Termite and Pest Control. Our experienced professionals can provide you with the expertise and solutions needed to address your pest issue effectively. Don't wait, take control of your home and reach out for help today!

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